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KÜNSTLERPu Jie Wang Wei Allard van Hoorn Roman Wilhelm Anke Haarmann Rufina Wu Stefan Canham Yang Yongliang
Nicole Keller & Oliver Schumacher SPRECHER Dr. Sonia Schoon Prof. Dr. Dieter Hassenpflug Prof. Dr. Meinhard von Gerkan
SONSTIGE Urban China Magazine

Allard van Hoorn (*1968)

Künstler, Kurator und Aktivist aus den Niederlanden hat 2006 und 2007 für jeweils einen Monat die Platform for Urban Investigation (PUI_SHA 1+2) in Shanghai in der dortigen Künstlergalerie Island6 organisiert. Es handelt sich um eine künstlerische, architektonische und pädagogische Auseinandersetzung vieler Beteiligter mit den Shanghaier Stadtentwicklungsprozessen. PUI war filmisch als Dokumentation präsent. Außerdem hat van Hoorn im Rahmen der Tagung einen Vortrag über das Projekt gehalten. –––>

Allard van Hoorn: The Platform for Urban Investigation is a vehicle for researching local urban environments and their specificities. Spending over six months in Shanghai in 2006 and 2007 I was given the opportunity to work with over 80 architects, dancers, musicians, visual artist, urban planners, writers, filmmakers, curators and other creative people who were either in Shanghai at the time or were working remotely with the Platform. Together we chose themes like the Panoptic architectural structure, symbolizing the shift of the periphery to center, collective to individual and communism to capitalism and consumerism in Chines society today. Together 25 projects were conceived ranging from workshops about sustainable development with local schoolchildren, urban planners and architects, to performances, dances, exhibitions and screenings in various cultural institutions and the public spaces in and around Shanghai.

Allard van Hoorn: Platform for Urban Investigation

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